The Rosary Team supports volunteers praying with cherished seniors in nursing homes.
Rosary Teams pray with elderly in group settings sharing Christ’s love.
Endorsed by Archbishop Aquila
Pictured: volunteers Susan Lombardi & Evette Shileny with Rosemarie
“The Rosary is a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness.”
Apostolic Letter on the Most Holy Rosary
The Rosary Team on EWTN
We invite you to watch a short 7-minute feature segment highlighting The Rosary Team with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC.
originally aired on the “Living Divine Mercy” TV Show on EWTN, episode 134

Our Beginnings
The Rosary Team started in 2019 at a memory care facility in Boulder County, Colorado and was formally founded as a non profit 501(c)(3) in 2021. Teresa, the founder, was working as a hospice nurse when she, along with her patients, family members, and their caregivers, noticed many entertainment options for residents but minimal spiritual support. This discussion inspired the creation of The Rosary Team.
Parishioners from several local churches volunteered to lead the rosary with the residents at the facility starting one day a week. Family members began requesting the team to come in more often, which led to 3 days per week, and the expansion into over 100 nursing facilities, wherever nursing homes exist, happened afterwards and rosary teams continue to rapidly grow. Volunteers pray in pairs forming a team at each elder care facility to spiritually minister to the residents.
Click here to see how much we’ve grown!
Why it Matters
Sometimes these seniors feel like a burden when they can no longer do the things they did. They need help with their physical needs and they have so much loss. They lose their homes, their physical abilities, and many of their friends and family have passed away. But they do not need to lose their relationship with God and we can walk with them on this path.
These seniors are never a burden! They can pray for peace in our world, for healing of wounds, for those that are sick or dying and many other intentions. After the rosary, the group is very peaceful, there is a remarkable difference. This is one of the gifts among many that our Blessed Mother gives to us when we pray the rosary.
Dedicated to Marian E. Buchheit
A letter from The Rosary Team’s founder:
My Mom has been a prayer warrior my whole life. She made a commitment at a young age to pray the rosary daily and included her family in this devotion. She gathered my Dad and my four brothers every evening to lead the family rosary, even during our teen years. That itself seems heroic to me because we were not always the most responsive bunch to this commitment.
My Mom’s daily intentions were for “peace in the world, an end to abortion, and for nonbelievers” and a consecration for her children and grandchildren to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She attended daily Mass and taught us that the world is passing, and we are made for something much greater: eternal life.
Teresa Rodriguez
Founder & President

The Rosary is a meditative, scripture-based set of prayers.
An age-old tradition, the Rosary leads one into restful and contemplative prayer. The gentle repetition helps us to enter into the silence of our hearts, where Christ’s spirit dwells.

Our Mission
We train, place, and support rosary volunteer teams who pray with seniors living in care facilities to share the powerful love of Christ. The Rosary Team brings joy through prayer and hope in eternal life!
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